Full Version: I made $120 with my tongue.
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Or... you hoovered some data with your face!
Do you mean hovered or did you mean hoovered. I just need to to know to properly quantify the guess!

Ok, so this is an apology. I promise there is an answer coming but real life is keeping me from the internet right now. Prepping for the arrival of biological units of similar deoxyribonucleic acid to commemorate first anniversary of the date the maternal source of aforementioned cellular instructional information shuffled loose this mortal coil.

Sorry for the delay. Have a nice gay.
Sharn will follow those words to the (hopefully incorrect) letter.
my ears were burning about having a nice gay, how are you?
latch did you advise someone regarding maintenance of their hardwares?
I'm tired, old and fat! How are you?

And nope.
im alive and well Smile is it a linguistic prowess or a physical action, such as licking?
JACK! You remember us <3
As in licking and I should point out requiem doesn't have an 'n' in it.
im aware requiem doesnt have an 'n' within it, must have been a typo at some point XD
did you lick a piece of previously malfunctioning hardware and it then miraculously worked?
@drum of course i remember ye!
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