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testing restrictions.

IGNORE. :quiet
Reply testing
Test complete, Guests, Banned users and Members under 50 posts cannot view thread thread.

So yeah, only me and you can. Woo!
w00t, we are awesome
I can see it :/
you can now, it's only for people over 50 posts.
I passed that ages agoooooooo. I have more posts than Sharn, making me the user with the most posts! Mwahahahahahaahahaha
I can see it too XD and I'm only on 37...
and T3hRogue, being the person who posts more that Bigsharn, proves two things: you have too much to say, and you visit more often than Bigsharn
So I say make him a MOD or Admin [or whatever it is on this forum].
:o Oh yeah, this is the "Other" section. You only need to be a member to see these threads. It's the Marketplace you need 50 for. Big Grin

When we get more members, i'll be looking into the forum team.
He doesn't visit more often than me, he just POSTS more often than me Wink I'm on at least once an hour between 9am and 11pm :p
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