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shit fuck fucking cunt twat bastard wanker
* T3hRogue raises one eyebrow
ermm.. sharn. I think someone sent him over the edge.
* T3hRogue raises the other eyebrow
I was testing our new wordfilters out Smile
Sharn's gone mad. I blame David Cameron.
(13-06-2010, 11:18 PM)bigsharn Wrote: [ -> ]fecal matter Fudge fudging clunge pregnant goldfish illegitimate child self-pleasuring person

fecal matter - Ѕhit?
Fudge - Fuсk?
fudging - Fuсking?
clunge - сunt?
pregnant goldfish- twеrp? or a twаt or twit [gold fish can't be pregnant, they lay eggs]
illegitimate child - Вastard?
self-pleasuring person - Wаnkеr?

I normally don't swear bar when i'm really angry i was just trying to work them out.

ps. the word filters do work, i'm just not telling you how i get round them Big Grin
They're all right except twerp, twat.
i made an edit, to what i think it is Big Grin
I'm guessing it's a blank character. And yep it is twаt.
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