Full Version: Battlefield Bad Company 2 VS Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
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Big Grin

I abhor MW2, unbalanced multiplayer, solo was crap and they replaced zombies with a shit spec-ops. They replaced awesome guns such as the G3 with a FN FAL which is outdated and didn't bother updating the weapon list. IW screwed up. Big time.

And the slowest full auto gun on MW2 is the AA-12
But intervention has to be the slowest gun out of them all..maybe not, I don't play it enough to know xD
It's bolt action, have a guess.
No shit, Sherlock..
I have returned to MW2, SnD. Is it bad that I keep doing well?
Nope, I do well in SnD, hardcore or not, and I'm OK at the game..
Thank God, but did you get a multi-kill with a SCAR?
No, but I did with the mini uzi. Smile
Mini-uzi has more bullets and a faster ROF.
The SCAR has more damage.
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