Full Version: What's the first gaming console you ever owned?
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Final Fantasy was on the Playstation one. And it was awesome.
Then why does my emulator come from the NES? Tongue

jk, PS1 is still awesome. Crash Bash was a brilliant game
PS1 was FFVII Wink
I'm just going to pretend that i know what FFVII means.

Smile and nod, smile and nod. :yep
Final Fantasy 7 Mark Smile
Oh yeah, of course it is! You never know with SHARN, he shortens everything into something funky. :tongue
Same as packet- Magnavox Odyssey 200 was the first one I owned though I think I only saw it work once. I played the crap out of my Atari 2600- my spoiled uncle had an Intellivision and my cousins had an Atari 5200 and I still can hear the Moon Patrol song in my head.
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