Full Version: What's the first gaming console you ever owned?
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Sega Dreamcast. Man I loved that thing. Wish it still worked. Spent some great hours on that thing.
[Image: sega_dreamcast.jpg]
Newb XD

I still have my NES, it just needs a new power lead Smile
NES' were good, SNES' were better. Why? SONY got involved. Oh yeaaaaaah.....*smug look*
i used to love dreamcasts they were well good in there time. Tho it was so easy to copy the games i think i had well over 200 games for it.
Commodore 64 baby!!!

[Image: 2hfkks2.jpg]
cheap parents but the first one for me was a freaking GameBoyColor!
Very gay little toy. :facepalm
I LOVED Pokemon on them things, i had several versions.
Anything other than the first 151 is a LIE
Don't be daft. Crystal and Gold (series 2. There was no silver) were also very good games
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