I can do perl ,basic,batch but i can't do C yet still getting there XD
hey i exercise c c++ java scripts sql and assembly language and have command on my mind to play games with programmings give me task then i can do
I am aware the code is ugly and I don't care- I know it works.
Python 2.6.5
for n in range(1,100):
if n/3==int(n/3) and n/5!=int(n/5):print('fizz',)
if n/5==int(n/5)and n/3!=int(n/3):print('buzz',)
if n/5==int(n/5)and n/3==int(n/3):print('fizzbuzz',)
if n/3!=int(n/3) and n/5!=int(n/5):print(n)
Having long hair is great until you have to pull a footlong out of the dog's butt. flatank.blogspot.com
(13-12-2010, 07:12 PM)bigsharn Wrote: You could use my alternative solution:
Hopefully, meatloaf is open to correction. If so, the correct spelling is laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch! And now you know- and knowing is half the battle! Mark's focus is on security not coding.
Having long hair is great until you have to pull a footlong out of the dog's butt. flatank.blogspot.com
*ears perk up* I need to sit down and learn a language or two properly - python for my Linux and web server goodness and i'm debating Java for Android development. As always, i'm more than willing to help with any questions but if it involves advanced programming then i myself shall join the shouting.
Now, I want to be able to call myself an advanced programmer, but I've seen and read about advanced topics that mean nothing to me. My logic is very strong and I can get a computer to do nearly anything I can imagine, but there are real programmers out there that have exacted the discipline to become truly good. I am a surface learner who samples skills of all types.
Self abatement and arrogance in one post! I rock! And suck! Gaze upon my incompetent prowess!
Having long hair is great until you have to pull a footlong out of the dog's butt. flatank.blogspot.com
Oh, I'm in no way unhappy or disappointed with my ability or knowledge. Every teacher that has been exposed to my code has been impressed- from my preteens to college. When I pick up a language- I don't read a whole book. I search the table of contents or the index for whatever I need. Be it looping structure, comparisons, strings, file access, or whatever. I have to budget my time so I only learn what I need. If the program has any complexity(such as more than one loop, arrays, etc), my code never ever works the first time I run it so the challenge is always there. I'm only interested in procedural languages- mostly only c and Python these days. It is amazing to formulate instruction that executes faster than you can blink- that is power.
Indecently, I have some c code I wrote that I'd like you to look at because it acting wonky and I have not yet been able to find a solution. I got irritated and stepped back from it for a while. It is simple enough for me not to suffer that thing that we do where we can't, for the life of us, understand our own code after being away from it for too long. Heh, do you know what I'm typing about?
Having long hair is great until you have to pull a footlong out of the dog's butt. flatank.blogspot.com