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Windows 8 Developer build in the wild! Cover your eyes
Windows 8 hasn't even been live on Microsoft's site for 24 hours and Steve Ballmer has already reported a whopping 500,000 downloads of Windows 8 Developer Preview.
Engadget got a sneak peak, and were treated to some private hands-on time with a tablet optimized for the OS but now people are getting it on laptops.

Windows 8 is certainly a peculiar breed with it being the first version of the operating system where finger input wasn't an afterthought, It's clear that this time around, Windows is optimized for touch.
This leaves me wondering if that Windows Phone-inspired UI will present a steep learning curve.

So far from what I've seen, I wish it could be unseen. Crappy UI, lots of squares, little sections, no real computer power. I use my desktop as a desktop, not as a farty phone. Phones don't compute power.

Check out engadget for more info!

[Image: start-screen-resized.jpg]

What sort of joke is that? ^


Messages In This Thread
Windows 8 Developer build in the wild! Cover your eyes - by Mark - 18-09-2011, 02:49 AM

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