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SPTD.sys, Windows XP machine won't boot, blue screen of death
SPTD.sys, Windows XP machine won't boot, blue screen of death

Windows, has once again kicked me in the face, this time loosening a tooth.

Mark you noob, what did you do!?
I booted into Windows after 3 months or so, (dual boot on this machine), and decided to remove some programs, all seems fine, "your PC needs to be restarted for these changes to take effect". Normal procedure, so I reboot.

Upon reboot, I see the Windows loading screen, then BAM, Blue screen, too quick to read any errors, so with an eyebrow raised, I try again, same result..

Thinking to myself, safe mode, you have never failed me.. Give it a quick F8, safe mode, gets down to where it should load "SPTD.sys" then blue screens, (Just after Mup.sys), (This is the same for Safe mode, Safe mode with Networking and Safe mode with Command Prompt)

OK, plan b. That driver is being a bitch, let's rename it, so I pop in my XP disk, hit up the recovery console and rename C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\sptd.sys to sptd.old, reboot, same problem, delete the file, same problem..

Plan c, disable the service, so back to the recovery console and I execute "disable SPTD", it does so, reboot, still blue screen.

Try to build a bartPE disk, won't boot.
UBCD4WIN RE, won't boot.

I've looked on another Windows box for sptd.sys and it's not present.

Apparently, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\sptd is something to do with it, if it's ever present. I tried the registry editor on UBCD4WIN and it declares it not present.

I'm just about out of ideas, but don't want to re-install.
by the looks of it, you've lost a fair few teeth with that boot in the face.
by the looks of it, you may have lost a medium sized chunk of registry thanks to mr Gates. erm... you have a few options, maybe try to restore that part of registry (but lose most if not all of your program pointers) orrrr rebuild and replace manually (or reinstall)
maybe use the restore disk to replace the registry to see if that is the cause, as that is my hunch Smile but i need to sleep before i actually put my mind rationally to this dilemma.
Version: 3.1
GMU/S d++ s+: a--- C++++$ !U- P L--- E-- W+++$ N- !o+ K- w++++>$ O--- !M-- !V+ PS+++ PE Y- PGP+ t+ 5++ X R+++ tv++ b++++ DI D++ G+++ e h+ r+ y++
This issue was resolved, but I shall wait until your sleep and new post to see what you can produce.
if the issue is resolved i shant seek to replicate said error XD that is effort beyond even me. I have too many projects on at the moment to be sidelined, was it similar to what I guessed (bearing in mind I have yet to read my previous post XD) x
Version: 3.1
GMU/S d++ s+: a--- C++++$ !U- P L--- E-- W+++$ N- !o+ K- w++++>$ O--- !M-- !V+ PS+++ PE Y- PGP+ t+ 5++ X R+++ tv++ b++++ DI D++ G+++ e h+ r+ y++
Just got a PM regarding this, the fix I used was to reinstall!

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