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I just had to post this. I'm pretty appauled that Microsoft played this on July 20th at their annual global sales conference. Seems like a direct stab at google, I'm sure that Google could be liable to sue for this.

Ofcourse it's a direct stab at Google, but it could easily be true. The gmail account(s) I have are just email forwarders, and Google Ads are blocked except on sites I've whitelisted to help support. I was also part of the 365 beta, it's not too great.
Microsoft can't even come close to matching the webmail functionality that Google has. Any web based email can have its contents parsed by the hosting company. So instead of Microsoft actually promoting something good that they have to offer, they just bitch how Google kicks their sorry ass. They should concentrate more on their anti piracy software(fail) or their OS'es for which the sales have faltered and still have more holes than swiss cheese (fail) or their office productivity suite that they had to steal open source xml code to attain high functionality.(fail) Wait maybe mobile phones?(FAIL), tablets?(soon to fail) Ehhh, maybe they should just stick with Xbox.
So recently I got a smart phone and I still have 3 hotmail accounts I use so I downloaded the app. Sure enough its the only app that questions whether or not I want to close it. Yeah! That's why I hit that button! Please for the love of Pete, CLOSE! and stop talking about it!