Full Version: Foods you should try once but never eat again
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The trilby is fashionable anywhere and everywhere Smile
What do you usually don with your trilby? (Clotheswise)
Depends if I can be arsed that particular day, black suit and tie with white shirt if I'm in town (at which point I go around the charity shops looking for a pimp stick), or dark cords and just a casual shirt (like the one in your DP)
Sharn is more cool than he was before.

Me? I wear a fedora. With a khaki shirt and camo-combats. With a man-bag/satchel and a whip an' revolver. Sometimes with shades. Sometimes I neglect the weapons.
This makes me feel pathetic. Jeans, T-Shirt. Good to go Tongue Maybe a Jacket if it's wet.
That's my smart wear Big Grin
I wear jeans and shirt (or shorts and shirt, depending on the weather) if I'm not off anywhere, but most of the time I go out it's jobhunting or getting wasted, so I need to present myself properly =]
Wait, you need to present your self for getting wasted these days? Aww.
You don't need to, but you're more likely to get in the clubs in smarts than in scruffs
Why is everyone talking about what clothes they wear? O.o

I wear anorexic people sized clothes. :o
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