Full Version: [PSU] 400WCX of today?
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The last time I was looking for a PSU was when the Corsair 400WCX was the favourite around. (Lower end).

The time has come again, just wondering what's out there now, still around the 400W range for a different machine. Dual core, three drive etc jobby.

Oh, did someone mention a new server?
*Corsair CX400

You can still get the 430CX all over the place for about £35. I suppose if you want an alternative there's the Enermax 450W (Glad they've made an appearance in the UK, finally) and Be Quiet Straight Power series... I'd go for the Silverstone though if you can't find the Corsair
Went ahead and ordered a Corsair 430CX, along with a new case and some other goodies. A new thread will appear, keep your eyes peeled!