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Rovio's Angry Birds coming to.. Facebook

Angry Birds is booming, It's available on pretty much every platform from iOS and Android to the PC and Consoles.
A lot of people find it addictive, what else do people find addictive, Facebook, people spends hours a day updating their statuses or just having a good nosey round.

Will it be such as success? Are people really going to sit on Facebook playing this!? IMO, it's highly repetitive and I can take or leave the game, mainly leave. The answer is yes, It will continue to boom.

It will be up against games such as the current favourite, FarmVille, and others such as CityVille from Zynga. How will it cope?

The launch has been set for May, (2011).

On a slightly related note, I know a lot of members here can code, If you can learn Java or Object C and get an App out there, there's no doubt you will learn a lot and possibly end up in a position such as Rovios.
It's already made a killing on PSN
I like the way you boom boom boom also.
Java? Pfft. How dare you even mention that scum.
Did someone say Boom Boom ackalackalacka BOOM?!


We really need to get a set of Youtube tags

*Fixed for the noob.
Jamie, how behind are you? We've had youtube embedding for months.

We have?

Goddamit, I'm editing then


[video=youtube] tags?
Why not just do [youtube] tags to simplify it?
Because that's how they were created in MyBB.
MyBB is silly then