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Linux Gaming?

Does anyone game on Linux?
I've not really come across any games that run natively under Linux, let alone any good ones.
SuperTuxKart (<3)
DOSBox if you like text adventures :tongue
(09-03-2011, 10:15 PM)Mark Wrote: [ -> ]Linux Gaming?

Does anyone game on Linux?
I've not really come across any games that run natively under Linux, let alone any good ones.

I do on occasion. That is why they created Wine. If you prefer being a nub then you can use PlayonLinux which basically uses presets all the Wine settings for the game of your choice. Not many native Linux games unfortunately. Capitalism and OpenSource aren't a good profitable pairing. I think with the release of WebGL you might start to see more universally compatible games. We can only hope.
Yeah, packet beat me to the Wine front.
Though if it's text based you're after, there's lots of games upon the webz like ZORK. Also, a fair few browser versions of old NES games. I found Final Fantasy once
I just downloaded Zork, what a coincidence.
ZORK is pure win. I mean, the grue! It ate me!

...It's a shame they revealed what the grue looked like Sad
I kinda just got lost in the forest. Nothing really happened. Need to try again.