Full Version: Spacker question about the Xbox 360 controller
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Someone must know this like, i'm trying to get a wireless controller to work on my PC but it's not happening like. Got the 360 official MS driver, and tried to connect with a recharge usb cable to no avail, also tried to connect wirelessly, but all that does is turn on my Xbox.

Can a fellow nerd help?
"With the Xbox 360 Controller for Windows software, you can set up the Xbox 360 Controller (wired or wireless) to work with a computer that is running Windows. If you have a wireless controller, then you'll need to purchase a Xbox 360 Wireless Reciever for Windows from your favourite retailer."

Quoted from Microsoft support. Not that difficult to find tbh
Thanks for your advice
I would recommend not getting an After Glow controller if do end up buying a wired one. The sensitivity on it is horrendous, seeing as I turned my CoD sensitivity down to 3 and it still spun around like I was on 10, good for emulation though.