Full Version: Count to 100!
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I should hope that every member here can count to 100, if not you worry me.

Another member must both between your posts, numbers must go in order, no posting "too short", yadda, yadda.


Just a reminder Mark, you can't just count to 100, as no members can post 1-2 characters in a post
I am well aware of the posting restrictions that I put into place, that's why I posted do not post "too short" etc. Just add something onto the end of your post, it'll help with the tangented theme we possess.

Also, you're doing it wrong. I also stated that the numbers must go in order and funnily enough 42 does not come after 1.

You should have expected that from him, Mark.

lucky number 3 baby!!!!! I feel sorry for whoever gets four that's an unlucky number they could have bad luck for the rest of there life.

As superstitious as I am, #4 can blow me.
[Image: robot-johnny5.jpg]

Get the reference and win nothing
Dude, A Johnny Five reset?
Los locos kick your ass
Los locos kick your face
Los locks kick your balls into OUTER SPACE!
What ever happened to Steve Guttenberg anyway?
There is a possibility that the unit shown is number
With disturbing lack of adherence to the second rule, due to the fact we will never get to 100 with the current member amount I answer the last with this:
Ra ra ra! kick em in the jaw!
Re ra re! kick em in the knee!
Ra ra rasshole! kick em in the other knee!

He played a pathetically whipped nancy boy a recent remake of 'The Poseidon Adventure'
It seems I've made a grave mistake, when I posted "One post per member" what I meant was "Another member must both between your posts". :redcheeks

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