Full Version: SharkLAN 0.1 summary
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This forum is the main news and announcement page for the SharkLAN LAN party event (Facebook link Everyone tell your (gamer/nerdy/geeky) friends or hit the share button on the facebook page.

For the games list, see the Games thread.

I'm asking in advance for people to advertise the event and increase numbers, there are currently 250 places and unless we at least half fill that before March we'll have to cancel (believe it or not we don't care if we lose money, but we have a limit).

We're currently waiting to hear back from one of the venues and we're 90% sure they'll have us. When we get a named venue I'll post ticket prices (To be honest we don't know the prices ourselves until they tell us how much it is to hire the place out).

I'll be sorting out transport (car pooling, coach hire) closer to the date for those that don't have cars etc, on a seperate thread.