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I think this thing is stupid- it looks like it has a gaping maw with a keyboard jammed in it. That, by the way, is my profession opinion.

[Image: 216082489.jpg]

You can buy it by clicking the link below, but I'm not going to.
The link's actually *just* for the keyboard, not including the controller... UK link.

There's also a version out for the PS3 which I think you'll agree looks even more ridiculous
[Image: abf6e10e22a07415ab05f110.L._AA300_.jpg]
Not owning an xbox, what would you require a full physical keyboard for other than PMing? Communication is usually done via the mic. It's good that it clips on and off though rather than being stuck with it.
That's basically it, and entering payment details or signing in and out of accounts (Live and Sky about sums it up)