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Didn't know where to put this BUUUUTTT:

I've started reading again oddly, and was seeing if any of you guys could list me any free Ebooks I could get and start reading..

Books like Little Brother would be good, and I'm sure Sharn will suggest Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy..Which I have already got.
thepiratebay should allow you to find any well known or widely distributed literature.
There isn't any one collective source of ebooks as I'm aware. The best place for free ebooks would probably be Googles Servers.. if you could get in :tongue
I am highly aware of TPB. Just some suggestions would be nice.
H2g2, of course
Oh, wait a minute..

Seriously though, anything by Stephen king would be up your street, or terry pratchett
It's probably not in ebook form but one of the last books I read was Tango One by Stephen Leather. It was a very good read.
You're from Manchester and reading about drugs.. No small coincidence there.