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That time of year is approaching again.. a new year. This is the time most of us make "new years resolutions" that can then be broken in February.

I don't normally do this but this year i've made one, to pass both my motorbike and car driving tests. Then i can run over drive safely.
On my bike:
1. 50 miler (planned for early January weather permitting)
2. 100 miler (planned for closer to easter)
3. At least 2000 miles altogether between my bikes
4. Invest in an airzound or similar, so swearing doesn't happen as often

In life:
Pass my driving test
Save as much money as possible for myself and Mark's project
To think of some resolutions ready for next time I need too think of some.
Start running alot again..Need to get back into top physical condition to play soccer in the spring.
1920x1080 is my resolution
Not bad. Mine's only 5280x1080.
Technically mine is 1680x1050 + 1280x1024, as my screens are different resolutions.
Don't complain..Mines only 1366x768..