Full Version: Multiboot USB - XBoot
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I'm not going to write a full guide on using this software, as it's own webpage is pretty self explanatory. I just thought it was interesting & incredibly useful. I know there is other methods, but this program intends to simplify everything.

I'll just leave that there. A Kink I've noticed though, If you want too test your USB in QEMU you need to run XBoot as Admin. That is all. Enjoy!
Great! Thanks for the guide!
Can you add and remove ISOs from the list without re-building the whole thing? Also is it only doable on Windows with the .NET framework?
You can add them without rebuilding. Removing has too be done manually afaik atm. But, I do believe the developer will be aiming too add support with the modify USB tab.

Mono does something to do with emulating .Net doesn't it?
Many developers provide ISO images of their release for free download, especially in the antivirus and security niche but also in utility and Linux. An antivirus ISO image can for instance be used to scan a PC by booting from that burned disk which may be the only possible way depending on the state of infection of the PC.

A problem that some users face is that there does not seem to be a way to combine multiple ISO images on an optical disk (like a CD or DVD) or USB device.