Full Version: XBL Gamertag help..
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Well, seeing as I've pretty much done gone and set myself up for being banned on my XBL account I use now, I'm thinking of making another..

BUT, I can't think of a name..Soo, any suggestions?

And please, nothing fucking retarded, thank you.

Can you see a theme?
Retards and rednecks? Fuucckk you. Big Grin
I thought Redneck meant Retard? 0.o Or something like American Retard
hah , I hate choosing names there the hardest Big Grin. I would go with a name that fits your style like... I love computer so I would name myself "I<3comps" or something of the sort XD. Hopefully you catch my drift :S
My gamertag/psn/steam is still Bigsharn and always has been :p
I just used my last name for it. x P 3 R R Y x

I'm very uncreative.
it works hah