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Vomiting, sore throat, chesty coughing, nose pissing like a chav on cider and headache...

Now, it's not been officially diagnosed but these are all the symptoms of swine flu, and I have them, so I apologise if I'm a bit behind on article writing and conversing with spambots/adbots. And just incase I'm spending Christmas in York District I'll say it here and now.

Merry Christmas Smile

EDIT: Yes, I realise there's another symptom, but thankfully I haven't had the shits yet, YAY
I'd ask for my money back of her, especially how much you paid. *troll* Confusedorry
Also, those poor adbots, they arrive at mcompute seeking friendship and compassion and instead they get a swift pwning.

Oh yeah, almost forget. Get well soon pal.