Full Version: Internet is slower all of a sudden..
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It's very likely that Pack3t was right, and it is due to the cold weather that your internet has lost speed.
When Pack3t said something about weather I sorta figured it had something with how ball freezing cold it's been lately.
This is why it is unfortunate that most of the world still receives their connection to the internet on some form of archaic medium. Be it twisted copper pair, or coaxial cable weather can have a dramatic effect on bandwidth. That is why I am happy to have fiber optic cable piped right into my home. Rain or shine I get 25 Mbps both ways.
I'm getting fibre optic on 23rd December =]
(03-12-2010, 07:16 PM)bigsharn Wrote: [ -> ]I'm getting fibre optic on 23rd December =]

Wait.. wha?! Who with? You've shot up in the internet world. :unhappy. You started on Sky (What a joke they are).

I'm going Virgin Smile
(03-12-2010, 09:15 PM)bigsharn Wrote: [ -> ]I'm going Virgin Smile

I'm sorry. o.o

Anyway, I'm guessing fiber optic cost more? Or does it just depend on the provider?
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