Full Version: SNES/N64 Games..
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Well, seeing as I won't have any new games for exactley a month from today, I've decided to back to the awesomeness of retro gaming. So I ask you people, what are some good games I should play during this time?

I've already got:

Earthbound, and Super Mario World. ( I know theres load more good ones I should have, but I cba thinking of them)

Goldeneye, LoZ:OoT, Super Mario 64, NBA: Showtime (best basketball game ever!), and Mario Kart 64.
Blast Corps- it is obscene how fun this game is
Super Mario Kart, Donkey Kong Country, Harvest Moon for the SNES

Donkey Kong 64, Banjo-Kazooie, conker's bad fur day for the N64
Street Fighter II, I've seen it played. Dunno how good it is on SNES
Street Fighter II Turbo was pretty epic, but button mashing isn't my sort of fun :p
I'll check it out! I haven't played a street fighter game in AGES, though.

And some good 2-player games would be good recommendations too. Seeing as whenever one of my friends comes over we always end going from 360 to some retro game.
DKC was 2 player, as was SMK