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So here's a kid, he's been featured on lifehacker. Drumm and I believe he isn't 13, as he claims.
Here are some of his things:

I'm sure he isn't 13, and he is some kind of pseudointellectual. I want to attack him. Oh, and did I forget? He claims to know 5 scripting languages, having learned PHP before HTML at age 9.
It's hard to tell, online, you can be whoever you want to be and the only pictures i see of people are: from his flicker account and it looks to me like both of those dudes have beards.

Do you have a link or any more info on the life hacker cover of him? Did they interview him or anything?

Found it:
I saw that photo. I also find it hard to believe that he went to China and at the age of 9 posts his pictures of them on his flickr. Also his literacy from then to now is about the same. At the rapidly developing pace of kids my age, there is a huge difference from 9 to 13. And also, how do you learn PHP before HTML? That's really strange.
Maybe the kids just ridiculously smart?

BUT, if that is him on the mountain one with the two guys..I'm pretty damn sure he's not 13. 23 maybe..but not 13.
Oh please, I just turned 14, I have a 144 IQ, I've been identified as gifted and have written and researched 10 page long papers in one night several times, this kid has got to be several hundred times smarter than me to be able to do all of that.

And some ridiculously rich parents, but then why would they be living in Houston?
Being a web designer isn't hard once you've gotten in to it. Any programming is like English or learning another human language, everything relates back to your native (English). Once you can understand it, you can speak / type it fluently. The hardest part is getting in to it and sticking to it. It's like anything, such as riding a bike, and at work people ask me random questions, (about computers), and i can rattle an answer off the top of my head. How many pins does a VGA connector have? 15, 3 rows of 5. What port does DNS use? 53.

The point he made is, the kid learnt Php BEFORE HTML, which makes no sense. Html comes before Php. It's possible to learn it before Html. But it's appliance seems useless.
Here's his phone number if you want to call him:

The fuck?

I don't really see the point in posting his number. It could be anyone's.
An interesting response... one I did not expect.

Would you like a picture of his house?
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