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320GB Playstation 3 without..

The 320GB version of the popular Playstation 3 is set to retail without Move tag-along for $350, (about £220).

If you're a gamer, you're a gamer - not a health expert or ever wish to be one. Gaming should not result in you being out of breath and sweaty. Sony have finally realised that people like to collapse on their sofas and start accumulating headshots.

Prior to this new announcement, Sony has been selling a 320GB PS3 but.. it had to be bundled with a Move controller, PlayStation Eye, and Sports Champions for $400. Saving $50 to do what you do best, not getting up and making a fool of yourself.

Compared to the $300 160GB it makes more sense: $50 for double the storage.

Sony has confirmed that the console is shipping the new standalone SKU to stores as we speak, so keep an eye out for shelves straining under the sheer weight of gigabytes at your local retailer over the next few days.

[Image: 320GB-PS3.jpg]


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And that sounds stolen by the way you wrote "Sony has confirmed to mcompute"
0.o July.

Also, yours states the 160GB will run for $349.
The information was correct in July. Tongue
I haven't updated GTFF in a while though