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More evidence piling in. It exists. Trust me, I see leaks like this all the time. And a matter of months later, I see the thing appear on the market. This might be part of a controlled leak. To get people anticipating the device.
I reckon they'll officially release it at Computech in January
Sony really don't have a market for this though. They have a portable games console capable of phone calls and a phone range anyway. They're not gonna make anything unless is has hyper-special features that makes PSP and Sony Ericsson obsolete
Yeah, but they obviously do have a market for it. Else they wouldn't be releasing it. Sony seem to understand the potential of the Android platform, and know it could be very profitable for them to have a gaming console involved with it. I do hope, that the release of this phone will mean that Sony developers make some Android games, and even bring over some third party developers, such as Square Enix, imagine FF on your phone. I'd play that.
I'd tap that ;P

I can't see their market really, but feh. If it does release I'll feel like such a douche Tongue
*when it does release
Still a rumour, so I'll stand by "if it"
There is now a video of the phone being used, here, for the non-believers

Also: updated the first post
Sharn, you stole that video from my thread. :unhappy
I did, but it saves having 2 threads
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