Full Version: Donuts in the morning are good for you.
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A new study has shown that eating a donut in the morning will give your brain it's much needed boost to start the day. If you have trouble remembering things or concentrating in the morning, it's usually because your body is missing the sugar it needs to function normally.

Quote:Dr. Gary L. Wenk explains:

Your brain makes acetylcholine from choline, which is obtained from the diet, and from acetyl groups that originate from the metabolism of sugar. We frequently obtain choline in our diet by eating lecithin. Lecithin can be found in many different bakery goods such as donuts and cupcakes and is commonly added to chocolate. Thus a tasty chocolate covered donut first thing in the morning is going to provide your brain with everything it needs to pay attention and learn new things.

Because a donut isn't the healthiest option you may choose another piece of baked goods with sugar, I myself am considering a gingerbread man when Android 2.5 comes out, until 3.0 of course.
I'll believe anything this guy says...

Dr. Wenk
This Dr. Wenk knows his stuff.

Cup of tea or Chocomilk (From the epic machine) and a doughnut in the morning for me. xD
I feel more alert when I don't sleep. Makes little sense, but it's true. More sleep, the more like shit I feel. Maybe this doughnut is just what I need. Big Grin