Full Version: [Apple] The new Apple TV can be jailbroken. (SHAtter)
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The new Apple TV has been jailbroken.

It has been proven by the Apple Development team that the new Apple TV, that has only just released, can be jailbroken.

But.. don't get too excited yet, there's nothing to run on it, no apps or customisation that could make using the Apple TV less Apple and more exciting.

The jailbreak is made possible using the SHAtter exploit that was first found and used on the iPod touch 4G. Jailbreaking a device allows developers and hackers to gain the necessary root access needed to develop their own applications and customisations.

The new Apple TV is running a full version of iOS, which is vulnerable. The development team built a tool for SHAtter called Pwnage, apparently this tool can trick the Apple TV into removing it's firmware image, allowing a jailbroken image to be installed meaning you can then use your own applications and much more. iOS 4.0 contained a lot of desirable features, features that people want to use after jail breaking, such as the ability to customise the background image(s) and themes as well as being able to share your iPhone screen with a Mac computer.

Apple being Apple, as usual they've got their device on lock down although the Apple TV does have Bluetooth which would support Apple's multi touch Magic Track pad.

A lot of what Apple incorporate will be influenced by what Google do with Google TV. The only thing going for the Apple TV is the price at only $99 in the US.