Full Version: [Android] How to install the official 2.1 eclair update (T-Mobile Pulse)
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Installing the Official 2.1 Update

This is a tutorial on how to install the official android 2.1 eclair update.

Please note that this portion of the Guide is only for those using a T-Mobile Pulse (U8220). This will NOT work for those using a U8320 or a U8220-6. Please check the label located under the battery of your handset to determine your version.

Difficulty Level
1/5 (very easy)

Known Bugs
Text messages aren't sending / receiving properly.
The phone may have a ringing delay when receiving an incoming call.

What you will need:

A Pulse mobile phone
A Micro SD Card (Recommended to have at least 1gb free space)
A Micro USB Cable or An Micro SD Card Reader

A Word of Caution
Please note that installing this update will wipe everything off your phone. (Contacts, messages, apps etc.) Please ensure that you back them up if required. Your SD card will not be wiped before, during or after the update process.

Also, the available internal phone memory will be reduced to 50mb (Down from 80+mb)
Meaning you won't be able to install as many applications.

The Guide

Step 1: Prepare your phone, backup anything you need to the SD card or computer. Note that everything will be wiped off your phones internal memory.

Step 2: Download the official 2.1 update file(s) from here:

Step 3: Extract the contents of the ZIP file to any location on your computer. Move the entire "dload" folder onto the root of your SD card.
By "root" I mean do not place the file in any subfolders

Step 4: Power off your Device. When the phone has fully powered off press and hold the following buttons: POWER + RED (End Call) + VOLUME UP
You may release these buttons when the message "Preparing Update" appears on your screen.

Step 5: Confirm that you wish to update and allow the device to run it's course. The phone may get stuck on "Restarting" if so wait a few minutes then remove and re-insert the battery.
If your phone "Fails to Update" Please refer to the FAQ.

Step 6: Allow your phone 5+ minutes to boot up for the first time. You may experience some lag / force closes and some other errors. This is normal at this stage.
If your phone Fails to boot or gets stuck in a "Boot Loop" Please refer to the FAQ.


I did not make this tutorial, massive thanks to Azurren for making this and allowing me to post it here on mcompute.

You can find his original post here, as well as a load of other T-Mobile Pulse mods.

And his Twitter: