Full Version: Scheduled maintenance.
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Scheduled maintenance. Saturday, not sure on the time of day - depends what time i get up how fast i get it done. We'll be back by Sunday though.

Found a few probs in the move over, totally clearing everything up, deleting dupe files and corrupt also.

Hopefully doing a FRESH install of 1.6, then bring then re-doing an optimising the settings. Importing the theme etc.

Give everything a good olde shine - then everything'll be sorted for ages.

Saturdays the only day i can do it i'm afraid. In work all week.

Heads up :blackhat
Ta for heads up, but any specific time of day?
Probably about 2pm onwards, or whenever I roll out of bed. Confusedorry
...So nearer 4pm then knowing you
The update has now been completed and was successful. If you have any problems either make a thread or PM me.

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Note: I've also deleted a lot of "Awaiting activation" and a few "Members" with shitty spam names. So, if i've deleted you by accident, sorry. Just sign back up.

All members deleted had 0 posts.