Full Version: "I can't connect to mcompute" - problem fix.
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A few people have contacted me saying that they can not connect to mcompute.

If you're reading this i'm guessing you can connect either normally or via a proxy. If someone tells you that they cannot connect, i'd appreciate it if you pointed them to this thread.

Step 1. Clearing your DNS.

Under Windows:

Start > Run > cmd >

ipconfig /flushdns

Under Linux:

Terminal >

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

If you're still experiencing problems it's because you're using n00b DNS servers from your ISP. Stop it.

Step 2. Using custom DNS servers

Log in to your router (I made a tut on this ages ago), and change your DNS servers to:

These are Google's DNS servers and they're a lot better than your ISPs.

Also, if you're looking for updates in the future when you can't connect either visit twitter, or as they'll both be updated with info. (My domain more so.)