Full Version: We're back
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As you may of noticed mcompute was down for around 2/3 days, this was out of my hands as was performed with out me being informed.

We're back now, and i really hope it says that way for the duration.

The backup i had was daily, meaning the forums restored to it's former glory with everything intact.

OK, lets get this show on the road. Confuseduperman
What happened?!
Yeah man. What gives. Have been LONELY Sad
Long story short, the DNS servers got changed so when you hit mcompute it's like er.. what IP am i looking for here and ofcourse it could find it because it was asking the wrong guy. So i contacted the host and they took a while to reply then initially they said the previous DNS servers were coming back online with no avail so in the end i just moved to new'ns.

You and me both man, i've missed this place.
What's up with the new logo. :tongue ?
Drumm, you been lonely cause you a reject who want go on MSN Sad
Well Sharn was making everyone think it's "MCompute" when it's not, then he lost the .psd of the original logo so i made my own logo. xD What you think?
Now it looks a crap rappers stage name, IMHO
It's just the same... The "C" is now smaller and orange, failing that it's the same - is it *that* much worse?
I think the M looks low quality. compute is smooth and all, but the M is sharp.
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