Full Version: is up with these quarters?
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I have over $50 in quarters.
I seriously now have more money in quarters than I do in actual cash.
I need to get this traded for cash ASAP.
xBox/PS3 here I come..... :devil
Nice collection, i have 0 quarters. :unhappy
I'm not American and I have like $8 in quarters
(21-07-2010, 05:48 PM)T3hRogue Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not American and I have like $8 in quarters

nice :confused
and mark check y our couches!
I have $0 in quarters. :tongue But 120 in bills. Smile
(21-07-2010, 10:16 PM)Christopha Wrote: [ -> ]I have $0 in quarters. :tongue But 120 in bills. Smile

share :ermm
I'm from the UK, i don't think there'll be any quarters in my sofa. :tongue