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As a very hardcore Android user who has owned two Android phones, Successfully rooted one, and the other one only worked for foreign phones. I'm currently rocking Android 1.6 which means I'm slightly behind on app selection, but I will try my best. I plan to get a phone around the end of September, that will be running Android 2.2 at least. Might even wait out for Project Emerald, depends on my desperation.. Either way, I just wanted to know what type of Apps you want me too review first.. I will give screenshots for each app, Cons, Pros etc. etc.
I would make a poll, but I'd rather you could all choose anything. As opposed to my limits. Debate away!
Can't say I use Android much myself, but it's a good idea and possibly a certain site admin could contribute, being on 2.(something)
I'm considering CM-6, but worry for my battery. Anything you'd wanna see me review Sharn ? Tongue
Like I say I'm not a user of Android (Hell, I could have programmed my phone OS by myself) so I'm not sure on anything to do with 'droids

...Though the SDK might be worth having a review of (rather than just coding in Java and porting it)
I feel your pain, i myself am on 1.5. I was looking for a Free phone app, that allows you to make and receive Skype calls - the most used is fring but i know there's others. :thumbs