Full Version: Hello World - Your first Python program
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This is the first of many tutorials to come on how to program in Python, let's start it off simple with a hello world program.

The first line of a python script should always be "#!/usr/bin/env python" this is there because on Linux, python may be installed in different directorys, it'll figure out the correct location of python from $PATH and make that as the interpreter for rest of the script.

#!/usr/bin/env python

The print command is pretty self explanatory, it simply means print or show the words "Hello World".

print "Hello world"

The finished script, yes it's that easy.

#!/usr/bin/env python
print "Hello world"

When running a python script in Linux you should use the following syntax. You need to state that the file is a python file first, and then enter the file you wish to run.
