Full Version: PC... my favourite console
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In honesty the majority of stuff being released for the PC is crappy console ports... I'm waiting for a good game to come out this year :p
Seriously Sharn? Most of the stuff are actually built on the PC and ported to 360 for dev, since both are similar (ie Windows rather than Mac)

And if it's not on PC then it's programmed on PS3, like Crysis 2 Big Grin
We still seem to get direct console ports, look at COD MW2 for example, and Fallout is exactly the same on PC as 360, even though most computers built for gaming can outdo consoles 6x over.

Other examples include Far Cry 2, The Orange Box, Prototype... The list goes on.
Of course PC will get direct console ports, Sharn. But only because more people are likely to own a console than a gaming PC for the prime reason of it's cheaper. Also Fallout 3 was developed on PC wasn't it? It was a Bethesda Softworks production
It was developed for PC, but it was scaled down to the extent that it was the same for PC, 360 and PS3, rather than having a PC version, and then making *just* the console ones smaller...
Can you blame them though? It makes easier dev stages and bug sweeping can be easily tracked through them all if they use the same coding on the same scales
So they should Beta test... eg. NOT do a Microsoft
Microsoft Beta test! Just privately in-company, like all devs do. Gaming mags also have a big go on it as well, because it's win win both for both teams. The gamin mags get the inside view and the devs get the bugs hunted out
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