Full Version: New anti-spamming method and prefix fix
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Well, today has been an eye opener. I was just about to pop out for an hour or so when i see a new sign up, i couldn't believe my eyes it was the same dude that was trying to have a go at me on another forum so i check his posts out and find he's spamming.

There's only one direction he's going in and it was towards my ban-hammer, perma ban supplied. :devil

This also gave me a chance to implement my new "junk" sub section, all of his posts were quickly edited, locked and then moved in to Junk.

I quite enjoyed it actually, i'm just getting more and more prepared as the days pass.

While looking through some configurations, i also noticed members of the "MM" group couldn't posts pre-fixes, that's now been fixed. Smile
You've just earned yourself a perma ban. Congratulations. -Mark
Oh the irony
Lol, he replied to this thread. I woulda loved to see what he put. I think we should strikeout, HR then leave the message Big Grin Just for our viewing pleasure.

Edit: This the forum you're on Mark ;D?
It was just an adbot
0.o I am not a member on that forum.

He was advertising some... I forgot what it was, but it was no good.