Full Version: [TUT] How to ping a website to find it's IP address
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Firstly, i know probably everyone here can do this with there eyes closed, but new members may not be able to.

How to ping a website and find it's IP address

For this example, i'm using Windows XP.

1. Open the command prompt

Start > Run > cmd

2. Then type ping followed by the site that you want to find IP of.

The result should look similar to below:

[Image: 1pikcx.jpg]

Here, you can see the IP address of Google.

[Image: 2itfsk1.jpg]

Simple. :thumbs
It's also worth noting, that this shows the server of the target. Google has multiple servers for it's domain. This was great for checking when MCompute had moved over fully to it's new server.
Either way. Very simple tutorial Tongue
You know using a packet sniffer whilst using the ping command, you're able to retrieve the IP's MAC Address (located in the ethernet frame) if followed through the different networking devices to the end users machine.

This may be useful for banning troublesome users via MAC Address (although there is a way around this of course).