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[Image: zombiesheet.jpg]
Apparel: Motorbike gear, it'll offer protection AND it'll look cool

Accessories: Sunglasses for the pure and simple reason that I can't go around with the helmet on all the time... And if I turn round to shoot a zombie behind me, I'll be blinded. Also a tool belt for keeping essential crap in.

Weapons: I'm not THAT educated on weaponry, but for me it has to be a pair of Deagles... I say a pair so it's harder to run out of ammo and they're probably powerful enough to blow the head off anything that disagrees with me. My primary would be whatever slowish-fiiring LMG I could get hold of, it might be heavy but it's less likely to run out in the middle of an onslaught
For a melee it has to be a metal (aluminium, preferably) shield of some kind, so I can deflect the zombies while reaching for the deagle on the other side of my body

Water/Water/Petrol/LMG belt/four clips of deagle ammo

Vehicle: It'd be some sort of motorbike, nothing larger than a 125 though, as it's not exactly a thirsty bike but they're not what you'd call slow either.

Stronghold: Now most will pick a shop or a supermarket because of supplies etc. but for me it'd be a house a couple of doors down from a shop... Zombies are still intelligent to an extent and they know that you'll need supplies soon. The idea is that with a house that blends in, you can check the area first without exposing yourself via the huge glass windows of a supermarket

Sidekick: Well because the sidekick will always ALWAYS get eaten, it has to be Chris, purely because he's useful up to the point he goes mad with not seeing any non-zombie girls for months on end

Soundtrack: A shedload of Ska music on a solar powered MP3 player, the faster paced, feelgood stuff

Final boss: I don't care as long as I kick it's arse... preferably an ex girlfriend
N00b. No man has a single plan!
Of course I have preparations B-H as well... This is just my preperation A
Sharn..good choice. Smile Since I have a good supply of weaponry I'd choose me as well..And I probably would go mad over that. Sad

Hope your referring to me..Cause that does sound like a reason why I'd go mad.
Yes Chris, I don't know of any other Chris' that everyone else on the forum knows XD
True. I can always prepare though, and have a spare girl under my bed. o.o
I'll have me one of those. And are we talking .50 Deagles or .375 or what? Bearing in mind ammo will run very low
.50s, but because York is basically one huge fort with 3 different barracks, two RAF bases and a TA place... I'm hoping that the 165,000 population (25,000 of them being students and hopefully back at home when the outbreak happens) will mostly have the sense to head to an army base and hole up, meaning I won't need to use much ammo getting to the base
Army bases are notorious for being shit in a zombie outbreak
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