Full Version: CoD 4/Xbox 360
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Can anyone tell me how many people are still online playing some time during the day? Because I'm thinking of picking it up again. :p
My little brother for one...

There are plenty online, probably more than MW2 in honesty
So, I can get into a Team Deathmatch without any problem?
probably :p
All the 10th-55s are on, and those who only just bought it. There's enough to pick up a couple of matches but don't expect different players constantly
I might just get WaW then :p Never really played it that much.
WaW would be a better option for the constant population of Nazi Zombies. You'll need to fork out for the 2nd and 3rd Map packs if you want any games
Mother fucker. -.- I just want a cheaper game to play while waiting for Black Ops. -.-
Oh BTW, visit here for info on black ops guns.

I wouldn't bother. Get RSV2 if you want a cheap good game. Free updates and DLC and a big community with lots of weapons and the best customization in the world. I'm sure you might enjoy it once you adapt to playing it
WAIT A MINUTE. People still play RSV 2? :o SWEET! I loved the first one.
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