Full Version: All points bulletin (APB) Released for the PC
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Well, it's here; All points bulletin.

Release on the PC.

1st July in America.
2nd July in the UK.

It's in stock at:

Game: £24.99
Gamstation: £24.99 £26.99


Looks like you can customise a lot more stuff, eg. cars and yourself by adding vinyl's / tattoos.

Well, that looks sick, but odds are unless you have the required specs and a decent internet connection, along with all your mates', you won't have the same experience.

LANParties with it would be EPIC though
(02-07-2010, 05:37 PM)T3hRogue Wrote: [ -> ]LANParties with it would be EPIC though

You sir have given me an idea... give me a week to look into it and I'll see about unveiling the plan

I've never been keen on the idea of APB, it's basically GTA as an MMO RPG (confused yet?), but I digress, Mark's gone to get it so I might bike to his to steal his APB for a bit, see what it's like

Mark, I'm expecting a review!