Full Version: Twitter app for the android platform?
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I've looked through the mobile phone section but i haven't seen anything on twitter clients - does anyone use one? Is there any favourites?

Nice forum btw
I'm afraid that none of us are really proficient in Android... Mark has an Android but trying to get him to write anything that's not on hacking is a nightmare.

My advice: Try all of them... There isn't really a best and worst app in any capacity, but there'll be a type of interface most people prefer. Tell you what, sign up and write an article on Twitter app testing for us :p

And thanks for the compliment
Don't forget to use Google! :o
App Brain is a good website for looking for Android apps.
Twidroid was a favourite of mine, it allowed you to categorise your tweets. And was really simple. I'm not much of a twitter person. Maybe I should start boosting Android round here.