Full Version: Weird isn’t it?
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I’ve spent the last day or so looking up netbooks for when I go travelling (I’m only typing articles for this and going on Firefox, I don’t need anything else). And weirdly the best ones I’ve found are all from PC World

Wait, that overpriced shop that nobody ever goes to because they’re stupidly expensive and the customer service isn’t the best? Yes, that one. Turns out that they’re not as overpriced as we all thought (or at least not for the low end consumers). Even with their ridiculous ad campaign they still manage to keep costs down.

Sorry this isn’t very long, but I’m still doing a little bit of research along these lines and need to get on with it… Look on the bright side, you’ve all got my Weapon Of Choice article to look forward to for tomorrow Smile
PC world are expensive. :yep