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Hello everyone,

I was wondering if it were possible to install the KDE in Ubuntu, I enjoy Ubuntu its a nice easy to use distro with little configuration needed. I also enjoy the KDE environment so I was hoping to combine the two and have one awesome OS. Is this possible?
There is a distro called Kubuntu which is essentially Ubuntu with KDE but if you already have Ubuntu Installed and don't want to re-install the steps below may help.

Open the terminal and type:
sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop

You will be prompted for your password, and then you will be prompted again asking if you really want to install. Hit the Y key to proceed, and let the install begin.

You could also go to the Ubuntu Software Center, search for kubuntu-desktop and then install Kubuntu Plasma Desktop.

Now log out and before you log in select "options" or the image of some cogs and select the desktop environment to use.