Full Version: T-Mobile Pulse (Huawei U8220) USB / T-Mobile 3G Phone Drivers
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T-Mobile Pulse (Huawei U8220) USB / T-Mobile 3G Phone Drivers

When entering USB debugging mode on a T-Mobile Pulse, (Huawei U8220), in Windows 7 at least by default there's no drivers!

You may come across a recommendation to use the Google USB driver package available in the Android SDK.. (Android SDK manager > Extras) - I tried this and It wouldn't install them.

The fix for the particular phone is to install the "PC Suite" program that should be on the small CD that came with the device if not you'll be able to download it online, (If you're really stuck post and I'll upload it, it's 100mb)

You don't even need the program once it's install you just need to grab the driver files out of C:\Program Files (x86)\PC Suite\driver

I've uploaded a copy of those here: download link

Then go in to Device Manager, right click the driver and select Update Driver Software.. then browse to the place you've saved the drivers.

[Image: tmobile-3g-phone-drivers.png]

Job done!
I've uploaded a direct copy of the CD provided, Tmobile PC Suite, download it HERE