Full Version: Suppose it's time...
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Suppose it's time I wrote my introduction.
I come from the Hacker scene. I found this place through Mark, who was hanging out in the Hak5 IRC. I'm from Wales, Powys. Just about.
I'm still in secondary school, at 13, and I dabble in just about everything to do with computers.
I know many languages, and I know enough to follow the syntax. I am in no way an expert, I can just recycle old code. "I stand on the shoulders of giants" as Isaac Newton said.
I can also do quite a bit with Photoshop CS5, which I got as soon as it was cracked. Like WARLORDTF I have never paid for a piece of software in my life.
I hope I can bring a lot of coding to this forum, and hopefully a lot of traffic Tongue

...I like this guy already

Welcome to MCompute Smile
Yeah, seems knowledgeable and a nice guy. You code, so straight away you're cool. :thumbs
* Drumm feels special Tongue
I like this kid. Guys, take note of him
(09-06-2010, 10:28 PM)Drumm Wrote: [ -> ]Like WARLORDTF I have never paid for a piece of software in my life.

I hope I can bring a lot of coding to this forum, and hopefully a lot of traffic Tongue


Thank you for the mention :thumbs
we must chat sometime mr Drumm, as I have a cunning and devious plan :evil
Is that plan to single-handedly destroy the Personal Computing industry via turning pay-ware into free-ware and free-source information?
No, dear. It is not. ¬¬
(13-06-2010, 12:09 AM)WARLORDTF Wrote: [ -> ]No, dear. It is not. ¬¬

Deja Vu. Is it....create a large EMP? XD:blackhat
Those things already happened it was called torrents Tongue Yes, I have PM'ed you WARLORDTF, So we may shutdown T3hRogue first Wink
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