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What Anti Virus do you use?
i have just changed to Malware bytes and Microsoft Secuirty Essentials

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Both of which are amazing and very good, respectively.
They see me trollin', they hatin'.
But MSE man, MSE
They see me trollin', they hatin'.
I used Norton 2007 and found that slows down my PC and its hard to use. Now I use the free version of AVG and found that met and exceeded my needs, it is easy to use. Works in the back round and automatic updates. AVG works fine for me.
Got to be ESET.
I tire of ignorant nubs and their worthless opinions on that for which they know nothing. All anti-viruses are shit, period. Heuristic scanning to check for illicit patterns is easily skirted and unique malicious file detection is a futile endeavor. MSE is the only a/v that is not susceptible to inline SSDT hooking, but there are so many other vectors of infection especially through zero day java exploits that no a/v is useful against anything new. If you run firefox with the noscript plugin it will at least stop drive-by downloads, unless you are stupid enough to authorize something you shouldn't. Anti viruses are reactive in nature. They attempt to stop something that is taking action. They fail to stop it before it starts. The foundation that they run on (the OS) is the weakest link. If you are sitting in a tree and someone lights it on fire from the bottom you are going to burn if you crawl down the trunk to it to stop it. Even Macs are starting to fall victim to bullshit rogue a/v malware. Apple lies link

I have seen countless machines with every a/v imaginable infected with rootkits, malware, trojans, botnet clients and often the a/v's are sitting there like there is nothing wrong with raped machine it sits upon. If you are lucky the a/v might be able to detect that something is on it, but most of the time it will only cure a symptom and not the root of the problem. If you have certain variants of the TDSS rootkit there is no software that will save you. Only if you are skilled and understand how the infection is operating do you have a chance to remove the infection without waxing your OS install.

Any nub with little or no programming experience can create and distribute malware now. Stealing credit cards and personal info is a profitable business and we will continue to see a rise in different and varying botnets. ALL of them are just as vulnerable as the systems that they infect, sometimes even more so. Not all hackers are looking to harm someone, sometimes it is more fun to destroy those that harm others. People paralyze Command and Control centers all the time and steal the clients to use for their own gain as is the case with Anonymous and their "peaceful" technological protests, others do it simply because they can.

Those that are oblivious to your technology are in for a large number of reformat/reinstalls. Buy plenty of lube and learn to enjoy the pain. The script kiddies and warez doodz that are spreading the plague will have their imaginary power stolen out from underneath them by those who actually run the show. For those designing the new ones good for you, technological security can not improve unless there is a problem that requires solving. Get with the fucking program. VC
[Image: icpn5k.jpg]
Trolls are the last thing you need to be concerned with.

VCD Wrote:// Forever more, count and reply, bitch.

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