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Footer Advertisements in action! and general chit chat
Good Morning all!
I was quite pleased when I received the email regarding this, we now have a footer advertisement in place, (it'll be the same one for 30 days), that has been charged at a set fee. If all goes well we'll have this spot filled each month by a different company.
If you're using plugins (like myself) such as Adblock Plus, may I suggest adding a whitelist for mcompute?
And if you're interested in the Ad, give it a click and see what they have to say, if not, just ignore it.

If we can get this regular we'll certainly have more money in the advertising pot, (I know we've not been as active as we were at our peek), but I know a lot of us including myself are busy with work / studies etc.

I was having a brain storm (like you do at 2am in the morning when you're up for work in 5 hours) and managed to get a text over to sharn (our resident advertising and the likes guy, (he has papers in it) about something snazzy he mentioned to me a while back.

I also wore my Manchester Compute polo when I was out shopping on Saturday, I must say it looks nice with my motorbike jacket.. anyway..

Having a pretty good morning so on that note all have a nice day and expect to see more of my face!

Messages In This Thread
Footer Advertisements in action! and general chit chat - by Mark - 22-08-2011, 12:41 PM

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